Table of Contents:
  1. Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office (RISPPO)
  2. The Rotary Foundation
  3. Rotary Finance
  4. Administration
  5. Membership
  6. Use of Rotary Name and Emblem  
  7. Rotary Down Under & RDU Supplies
  8. Australian Honours Advisory Panel

1.Rotary International

South Pacific and Philippines Office contact information:
Level 2, 60 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia
Telephone: +61 2 8894 9800 Fax: +61 2 8894 9899
Office Hours:
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday Except Australian and NSW Public Holidays
Manager, International Office & Foundation Services:  Grace Ramirez

2.The Rotary Foundation

Senior Fund Development Officer: Mark Anderson        Ph: (02) 8894 9841
Senior Coordinator, TRF Services:  Robert Byrne            Ph: +61  2 8894 9843
TRF Correspondent:  Krissy Aure-Canson     Ph: (02) 8894 9842
Services provided by this office are;
  • Fund Development
  • Paul Harris Fellow Recognition–processes applications and issue regalia & certificates
  • Maintain record of club recognition points
  • Issue benefactor recognitions, bequest and major donor recognition
  • Provide assistance and clarification on all Rotary Foundation matters
  • Assist with The Rotary Foundation contribution inquiries

3.Rotary Finance

Supervisor:  Grace Ramirez          Ph: (02) 8894 9830
Coordinator:  Sally Furto–(Aust & NZ)  Ph: (02) 8894 9832
Coordinator:  Melissa Asanza (TRF Finance)        Ph: +61  2 8894 9833
Coordinator:  Rosalyn Ong (Philippines)              Ph: +61  2 8894 9831
Services provided by this office are:
• Collect per capita dues and other payments to Rotary International
• Process Semi Annual reports on club membership  and inquiries on SAR payments
• Assist clubs & districts with inquiries on: club remittances and balances, reinstatements after payment following termination
• Process The Rotary Foundation contributions
• Make payments to Rotarians travelling at RI or Rotary Foundation expense
• Make payments to Rotary Foundation Scholars
• Make Global payments  on behalf of TRF and Rotary International  ( SPAs)


Administration Coordinator:  Bernadette Horrell Ph: +61  2 8894 9800
This office assists with all enquiries about Rotary International & The Rotary Foundation and Shop.Rotary material.


Regional Membership Officer, Membership Development:  Barbara Mifsud Ph: +61  2 8894 9850
This office;
• Provides support on using key RI membership resources: publications, tools, online resources, and reports
• Provides assistance and guidance with membership strategies including attraction, engagement, retention, diversity, etc.
• Works with zone membership team to conduct trainings, workshops, and presentations.

6.Use of Rotary Name and Emblem

The “Rotary” name and gearwheel emblem, including the emblems and logos of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation programs and projects are known collectively as the Rotary Marks.
The word “Rotary” in connection with or in the name of an activity of a club or a group of clubs must relate directly to that club or group of clubs. The activity is not permitted to be related directly or indirectly to Rotary International. The word “International” is not to be used in connection with or in the name of the club.
Clubs and Districts are welcome to use the Rotary emblem, in association with Club or District projects and are requested to name accordingly.
Guidelines on the use of Rotary marks are provided in the Brand Centre at:  The Voice and Visual Guidelines will assist.  They can be found in My Rotary at:  Manage>Brand Centre>Guidelines>Voice and Visual Identify Guidelines.

7.Rotary Down Under & RDU Supplies

a.The Magazine

RDU is the official Rotary Magazine for Australia & New Zealand based districts.  Contact details are;
Rotary Down Under House
Level 3, 43 Hunter Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia Postal address: PO Box 779, Parramatta NSW 2124 Australia Phone: +61  2 9633  4888  Fax: +61  2 9891  5984
  • General Manager: Gay Kiddle:
  • Editor: Meagan Martin:
  • Club Relationship Manager: Samantha Ausburn:
  • Accountant: Chris Hook:
  • Website:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
Office hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm  Monday – Friday (except public holidays).  This office manages all matters relating to the Regional Magazine.

b.RDU Supplies

RDU is a licensed supplier of Rotary International emblem merchandise.
Please note the Supplies office is now located at:
Rotary Down Under House, Level 3, 43 Hunter Street, Parramatta  NSW 2150
Phone: +61 2 9633 4888
Visit the Supplies website for safe and secure ordering of Rotary branded merchandise.
Rotary Down Under Group Representative: PDG Tim Moore      

8.Australian Honours Advisory Panel

This is a new initiative within Rotary Zone 8. The aim of the Panel is to encourage and support an increase in nominations, and the level of award, of eligible Rotarians for recognition through the Order of Australia Honours system.
The Panel’s objectives are;
1. To promote a wider understanding of the Order of Australia Honours system by Rotarians and to encourage the nomination of potentially worthy recipients, be they Rotarians or community leaders.
2. To prepare an explanatory statement about the Honours system with a guide to eligibility and how to nominate – with a link to the official “It’s An Honour” website and “Frequently Asked Questions”.
3. To be available to offer discrete advice about the criteria for identifying potential nominees; nomination procedures and effective submission of nominations, noting the four levels of appointment and award.
The National Panel is comprised of:
  • PDG Len Goodman AO (Convenor)
  • PDG Noel Trevaskis OAM (Rotary International  Director  2016-18)
  • PDG Bob Aitken AM
  • District 9810 Liaison Member: Alan Rae OAM