District Chair: Tony Stokes -  Box Hill Central

I joined the RC Box Hill Central in 2003 after taking early retirement from a career in the Automotive Industry. I am a Past President of the club as well as Secretary on several occasions and held other committee roles. I was an Assistant Governor in 2010/11.
My wife Rtn Robyn is also a member of RC Box Hill.
I am Victorian Coordinator of the Rotary Action Group Against Slavery. In July 2020 I took on the role of District 9810 International Service Chair. Robyn and I live in Nunawading and have 5 children and 3 Grand Children.

District Committee members:

Peter Read   - Hampton
Peter Batten - Chelsea
Countries in Zone 8
Club Support – District Resource network
Rotary Australia World Community Service
Rotary Australia Repurposing Equipment (previously Donations in Kind)
Rotarians Against Malaria
Rotary Project Volunteers
Water Sanitation & Hygiene
Medical Aid
Goodwill & Fellowship Programs
Rotary Friendship Exchange
Rotary Fellowships
Club Initiated Projects
Operation Cleft
Wheelchairs for Kids
Disaster Aid Australia
Rotary Action Group Against Slavery
East Timor Roofing Company
Operation Toilets
Rotary Overseas Relocated Playgrounds
Country Coordinators


International service exemplifies our global reach in promoting peace and understanding through a range of projects.  It comprises a number of Sub-Committees driving humanitarian service projects including Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS), medical and emergency aid and goodwill programs. To make it easier for clubs to engage in international service, D9810 has established a District Resource Network.

2.Countries in Zone 8

Rotary Zone 8 includes;
  • Australia
  • Timor L'Este
  • PNG
  • Solomon Islands
  • Vanuatu
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • Western Samoa
  • American Samoa
  • Fiji
  • Tonga
  • Cook Islands
Many of the smaller countries in the Zone have opportunities for Rotary international projects and development activities.  Some of these countries sustained significant damage in cyclone Harold early ion 2020.  Clubs seeking international project activities within the Zone can contact District Chair, Tony Stokes or District Governor, Ken Miller.

3.Club support - District Resource Network (DRN)

The DRN connects clubs with resources that can help them to improve the quality and effectiveness  of their service projects. Experts are grouped according to The Rotary Foundation’s 6 Areas of Focus, as well as Project Planning and Grants Process experts;–that clubs can consult to improve a project or grant application.
Through the DRN, Clubs can obtain advice on:
  • Project planning, design and implementation
  • Aligning a project or grant with Rotary’s areas of focus
  • Grants processes
  • Community assessments
  • Finding project partners;–clubs and cooperating organisations
  • Securing funding
  • Incorporating sustainability
  • Incorporating measurement and evaluation benchmarks
  • Project publicity.
Clubs are encouraged to contact the Areas of Focus Team Leaders below or the DRN Coordinator to obtain expert advice, contacts and any other project assistance.
John Maddock (PP Box Hill Central) – Basic Education & Literacy Expert group. More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. The BEL group is working with the State Department  of Education and Training to Support for Vulnerable & Educationally Disadvantaged Adult Learners.
Soula Ganiatsas (PP Manningham) – Fighting Disease Expert Group. We educate and equip communities to stop the spread of life-threatening diseases like polio, HIV/AIDS, and malaria. We improve and expand access to low-cost and free health care in developing areas; in our local communities within Australia.
Contact to be advised – Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene. Advice to ensure projects support local solutions to bring clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to more people every day. Advice to ensure projects don’t just build wells and walk away but share expertise with community leaders and educators to make sure projects succeed in the long-term.
Pat Armstrong (Doncaster)  - Protecting the Environment
Leaders for the other 3 Areas of Focus [Economic and Community Development; Promoting Peace and Saving Mothers and Children] will be appointed soon.  In the meantime, contact the DRN Coordinator. 
DRN coordination  / support team: District  Resource Network Coordinator, (Tony Stokes)

To find an International Project your club can support, click on this link.

4.Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) www.rawcs.com.au

District 9810 Coordinator and Southern Region D9810 Representative:  Alan Lunghusen - Rowville-Lysterfield 
Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) assists Rotary Clubs in Australia to establish humanitarian aid projects such as:
  • rebuilding in the aftermath of disaster;
  • supporting and improving education;
  • health care and medical aid;
  • training in building construction and commercial operations; and
  • sending teams of volunteers to developing countries.
RAWCS includes a number of sub-committees:

a.Rotary Australia Repurposing Equipment (RARE) 

Contact:  Des Shiel - Lilydale

RARE (previously known as Donations in Kind or DIK) provides a central coordination point for storage, packing and dispatch of donated goods for local and international efforts, minimising the costs of getting goods to where they are needed in the world. There are strict rules, procedures and costs associated with despatch and delivery of all goods to overseas destinations. Any club planning to send goods offshore is strongly advised to consult with the District RARE team beforehand.
RARE is located in West Footscray.  For more information see www.rotarydik.org

b.Rotarians against Malaria (RAM)

Chair/Contact: Murray Wilson - Rowville-Lysterfield
Committee members:
Peter McPhee       - Mitcham
Jackie Gleeson     - Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale
Gloria Hargreaves - Emerald and District
Wil Cornelissen     - Waverley
Sandra Pyke         - Monash
RAM is a programme dedicated to the fight against Malaria, one of the major health threats in the world today. With more than 200 million infected with the parasite, half a million people die of the disease each year; 70% are children under five.  RAM’s current programs are focused on the Pacific region, particularly the Solomon Islands, Papua-New Guinea and Timor L’este.
Key Event:           Malaria Awareness Day 29th April 2022

c.Rotary Project Volunteers

Contact:               To be Advised
Rotary Project Volunteers promotes awareness of volunteering opportunities for Rotarians and non-Rotarians.

d.Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Chair/Contact: To be advised. In the meantime, contact a Committee member.
Committee members:   
David Alexander -  Manningham
Jim Sly                -  Boronia
Mark Balla          -  Box Hill Central
Peter Read         -  Hampton
John Shearer      -  Doncaster
This Committee assists Clubs to:
  • identify, develop and participate in sustainable Water, Sanitation, Health and Hygiene projects and programs in developing countries;
  • select appropriate water and sanitation technologies for cultural, climate, geographical and soil conditions;
  • plan and establish ongoing maintenance and monitoring procedures to ensure sustainability;
  • work with local Host Clubs, NGO’s, Provincial Health Officers and Educational or other Government Officials and Local Communities to establish projects and/or programs which may require implementation over a number of years
  • educate and train local communities to construct and maintain components and works;
  • establish and train local businesses to assist in achieving project aims and objectives.


Contact:               Tony Stokes   Box Hill Central
Mission Statement:
  1. To create awareness in Rotarian circles and within the wider public; to influence the plight of millions of people, especially children, who are physically and mentally held in servitude as slaves for commercial gain.   
  2. To take action by encouraging Rotarians to support, promote and work with anti-slavery bodies in developing programs, campaigns and projects that will help to make slavery history. www.ragas.online 

5.Medical Aid

a.Interplast Australia & New Zealand (Interplast) www.interplast org.au

Chair/Contact:  Janette Etherington Nunawading
Committee members [all available as Club Speakers]:     
Paul Ferguson   Bentleigh Moorabbin Central
Harvey Lane  Nunawading
Geoff Weeks  Box Hill Burwood
Bob Williams   Nunawading
Chris Mara   Beaumaris
Interplast was established in 1983, by Rotarians and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and allied health professionals donate their time to provide free reconstructive and plastic surgery to people in 17 regional countries who would not have had access to, or could afford such treatment for congenital or acquired debilitating medical conditions including burns and contractures; cleft lip and palate; trauma related injuries (upper limbs, head and neck; tumours) and a range of other conditions including hypospadias and torticollis. As well, they deliver free training and mentoring for local medical staff during operations but also by separate programs.
Rotarians help fund a significant proportion of the costs such as air fares, accommodation, other travel costs, medical supplies, medicines, excess baggage, insurance, security, etc. See the latest Annual Report, at www.interplast.org.au . Or contactus@interplast.org.au   Interplast aims to raise $50,000 in district funds to fund a surgical and or training program (activity) in the 2020-21 Rotary year.
To donate please contact Janette Ethrington, who is the Interplast Rotary Co-ordinator or see the website.

b.ROMAC – Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC)

Chair/Contact:   Gavan McIntyre   Wandin
Committee members:  
Dianne McIntyre - Secretary
Paul Isaac   Wheelers Hill
Margaret Mason   Bentleigh Moorabbin Central
Bill Haywood   Waverley
ROMAC is an RI approved program in operation since 1988.  It provides life-saving and/or dignity restoring surgery at Australian and New Zealand hospitals for children from developing countries.  Since 1988, more than 500 children have been treated.  ROMAC relies on donations to fund the children’s treatment at an average cost of $25,000 per child.  Depending on funds, and the availability of hospital beds, at any one time more than 100  children are awaiting treatment. There are currently over 200 on the waiting list.  Our ROMAC Goal  for D9810 is to raise $50,000 to improve the lives of two ROMAC patients’ each year. With the help of all the clubs, this should be achievable.

For further information please visit www.romac.org.au where you will find the latest newsletters, Annual Reports, patient stories, donation details and lots more information about how you can be involved.

Thanks for your interest in ROMAC and feel free to contact Gavan McIntyre at any time. We aim to do a ROMAC presentation at each club every 2 years, so if you would like a speaker to visit your club, please contact us.

6.Goodwill & Fellowship Programs

a.Rotary Friendship Exchange

Contact:               Russell Marnock   Emerald & District
This program advances international understanding through personal contacts developed when Rotarians exchange visits to other districts across the world. District 9810 has been active in exchanges visiting districts in countries including New Zealand, the UK and the USA.

b.Rotary Fellowships

Coordinator:     TBA
These are groups of Rotarians, Rotaractors and Rotary partners who share a common interest in a recreational activity or a professional or vocational area. These are international fellowships and give opportunities for Rotarians to share experiences across the world.  Contact people are;
Graeme Amoore  - Moorabbin
Ron Brooks         - Forest Hill
Ern Dawes          - Doncaster
Tony Phillips       - Beaumaris
History (Rotary)
Motor Cycling
John Jarvis        - Oakleigh
Radio (Amateur)
Recreation Vehicles TBA
Wine Appreciation
Bill Chapman    - Moorabbin 

7.Club Initiated Projects

The projects and programs listed below, initiated and managed by Rotary Clubs, address specific international needs. Other clubs and individuals are welcome to participate.

a.Operation Cleft

Contact:               Bruce McEwen  Box Hill Central
Provides free cleft repair surgery for under-privileged children in Bangladesh (average cost of $300 per operation) through the Operation Cleft Australia Foundation Trust (An international project of the Rotary Club of Box Hill Central). It also provides Speech Therapy education and training for health workers and families; and medical training on comprehensive cleft treatment. www.operationcleft.org.au
Contributions can be made to Operation Cleft: BSB 633 000 Account: 165147 935 - including your Club Name.

b.Wheelchairs for Kids (WFK) www.wheelchairsforkids.org

Contact:               Russell Hayes  [Passport Club of Melbourne]
                              0414-600-721, russell.hayes@wheelchairsforkids.org
WFK (a project of the Rotary Club of Scarborough, WA) provides wheelchairs for impoverished, disabled children in over 60 developing countries.  Every cent donated is used to make the wheelchairs and all donations are tax deductible.


Contact:               www.shelterboxaustralia.org.au
Provides rapid humanitarian aid to people traumatised by natural disasters in an easily transportable box containing shelter, bedding and cooking utensils.

d.Disaster Aid Australia                   www.disasteraidaustralia.org.au

Contact:               Jan Burney - 1300 881 913
Working with Rotarians around the world to provide rapid humanitarian aid to people traumatised by natural disasters.  Aid is delivered by volunteers in the form of shelter, sustainable water supply and solar lighting, allowing survivors to rebuild their lives in a family unit with dignity and hope. Disaster Aid also provides a water purification system that delivers up to 10,000 litres of clean water daily – enough for a village, hospital and school.

e.East Timor Roofing Company Unip.lda

Contact:               Frank Evans  Doncaster
Committee members:
Ern Dawes   - Doncaster
Tim Hewitt   - Lilydale
This ongoing project was started in 2000 by the RC Doncaster with assistance from RC Lilydale, most District 9810 Clubs and the RC Melbourne (D9800).  It is now a viable business manufacturing roofing material, water tanks and food silos, providing employment and training.  In 2004, a training centre was established to teach skills in basic building techniques; and a micro-credit bank established in 2007.
Any surplus funds are used for the benefit of the East Timorese people – roofing schools, orphanages and providing scholarships.  Clubs conducting projects in Timor ‘Leste requiring materials are encouraged to contact the Committee.

f.Operation Toilets

Contact:               Mark Balla  Box Hill Central
An international project of the RC Box Hill Central, Operation Toilets Australia (OTA) builds toilets and delivers hygiene education programs in schools in developing countries with the special aim of improving the educational opportunities of adolescent girls.
www.operationtoilets.org.au   Facebook: operationtoilets
Donations are welcome:  BSB 633 000 Account# 157145855

g. Rotary Overseas Relocated Playgrounds (RORP)

Chair/Contact: Bob Allardice - Nunawading
This is a multi-district project of D9810, D9800 and D9790 which assists clubs in each of these districts to:
  • Work with their local City Councils to identify and assess playgrounds that are to be removed and/or replaced
  • Harvest the playground equipment and deliver it to the RORP yard
  • Identify and manage overseas recipients
The committee members are:
  • Rob Jackson - Nunawading
  • Ian Armstrong - Nunawading
  • Harvey Lane - Nunawading
  • Graeme Moorfoot - Nunawading
  • Gabby Knaepple - Nunawading
  • Des Shiels - Lilydale
  • Kevin Ritchie - Ivanhoe (9790)
  • Kit Holland - Mitchell South (9790)
  • Peter Cribb - Flemington-Kensington (9800)
  • Shradd Sharma - Flemington-Kensington (9800)
  • Geoff Warner - Glenferrie (9800)

     Click this link to download copy of the RORP Brochure

8.Country Coordinators

Areas of Interest and Country Information: The Rotarians listed below have project experience or Rotary contacts in the countries listed below and may be a starting point for information for clubs considering projects and/or seeking advice on conditions.
Andrew Brownlie  - Maroondah
Seda Douglas  - Springvale City
Peter Malden - Boronia
Bob Richards  - Sandringham
Graeme Woolacott  - Glen Waverley
Jeffrey Tan  - Manningham
King Gan 
Mongolia& North Asia
Peter Koens  - Nunawading
Papua New Guinea
Ian Phelan  - Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale
David Chandler  - Upper Yarra
Solomon Islands
Michael Willis  - Mont Albert & Surrey Hills
Southern Africa
Liz Ollie  - Doncaster
Sri Lanka
Peter Koens  - Nunawading
Timor Leste
Frank Evans  - Doncaster
Tony Monley  - Manningham